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Please double check the form before submitting to confirm that all input values are correct and consistent.

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  • Press "Submit" to activate the calculation. 
  • The "Set Defaults" button will reset all parameters to their defaults.
  • The "Save Form" button will reload the page with form values in the URL. Bookmark that page to save your form.
[?] Send run output and link to full results to this e-mail address:

[?] Mode Specific Input
WL Specific Input
  Sensitivity Only Mode
Minimum Resolution Factor
no units
Maximum Ellipticity Error
no units
Galaxy Catalog File
[Download File]
BAO Specific Input
Emission Line Selection
Significance Cut
no units
Galaxy Population Model
Linear Spectral Dispersion
no units
SNR Computation
Sampling Mode
SPCONT Specific Input
Spectral Dispersion
Source Effective Radius
PZCAL Specific Input
Significance Cut
no units
Linear Spectral Dispersion
no units
[?] Telescope Configuration
RMS Wavefront Error
Select WL Telescope Configuration File
[View File]
Select BAO Telescope Configuration File 
[View File]
Select SPCONT Telescope Configuration File 
[View File]
Select PZCAL Telescope Configuration File
[View File]

[?] Observing Strategy and Detector Characteristics
Detector Type
Pointing Jitter
arcsec rms per axis
Wavelength Minimum
Wavelength Maximum
Single Exposure Time
Read Noise Floor
effective e- rms per pixel
Dark Current
Ecliptic Latitude
Ecliptic Longitude Relative to the Sun
degrees (modulo 180)
Galactic Reddening
E(B-V) magnitudes
Number of Exposures
no units


2021-10-08 16:55:02 UTC