This is the Web-based interface for Chris Hirata's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope Galaxy Survey
Exposure Time Calculator, wfGSETC (previously known as the Dark Energy Performance Calculator, wfDEPC).
The Calculator is intended for use in optimizing the Roman Space Telescope hardware and observing strategy.
It runs in four different modes:
Gravitational Weak Lensing (WL), Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO),
Spectral Continuum (SPCONT), and Photometric Red Shift Calibration Survey (PZCAL).
In each case, it uses known galaxy properties to predict limiting magnitudes and
statistical properties (e.g. number counts or
redshift distribution) of sources that could be detected by Roman Space Telescope (and resolved, in the case of WL).
For a full explanation of the functionality, including the version history, see the
wfGSETC Reference Manual.
The updates from v14 (the previous GUI on this page) to v17 include new options for the BAO survey ([O II] and [O III] lines) and Fowler-4/Fowler-8 readout options.
This is the web-based interface for the sensitivity-only mode of Chris Hirata's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope's
Galaxy Survey Exposure Time Calculator (wfGSETC). It is intended for use in
optimizing the Roman Space Telescope hardware and observing strategy. The code is also the basis for theYou may access all modes of the
For a full explanation of the functionality, including the version history, see the
wfGSETC Reference Manual.
The updates from v14 (the previous GUI on this page) to v17 include new options for the BAO survey ([O II] and [O III] lines) and Fowler-4/Fowler-8 readout options.