The interim report on the Roman Core Community Surveys definition is now available. More information, including slides and video of a presentation of the report, can be found at the Roman Community Forum page.
The interim report on the Roman Core Community Surveys definition is now available. More information, including slides and video of a presentation of the report, can be found at the Roman Community Forum page.
The NASA ROSES Call for Proposals, ROMAN24, has been issued. We provide supplemental detailed Coronagraph Instrument information to support CPP proposals here.
Learn more about Roman Space Telescope science, engineering, and technology through our monthly virtual lectures for the astronomy research community.
NASA Successfully Joins Sunshade to Roman Observatory’s ‘Exoskeleton’
The Roman Space Telescope and IPAC
Caltech/IPAC hosts the Roman Science Support Center (SSC). The responsibilities of the SSC include Coronagraph Instrument operations, science level processing of spectroscopic and microlensing WFI data, General Astrophysics proposal and grants management, and community engagement. The SSC also curates up to date telescope and instrument parameters and Roman science simulations and tools for the scientific community.