IPAC members of Roman Project Infrastructure Teams (PITs):
- Project Infrastructure for the Roman Galaxy Redshift Survey -- Anahita Alavi, Phil Appleton, James Colbert, Kevin McCarthy, Harry Teplitz, Greg Walth, Yun Wang (PI)
- Roman Alerts Promptly From Image Differencing (RAPID PIT) -- Joe Masiero, Roberta Paladini, Ben Rusholme, Schuyler Van Dyk
- Roman Galactic Exoplanet Survey PIT -- Etienne Bachelet, Charles Beichman, Sebastiano Calchi-Novati, Sean Carey, Jessie Christiansen
- A Roman Project Infrastructure Team to Support Cosmological Measurements with Type Ia Supernovae -- Schuyler Van Dyk
- Maximizing Cosmological Science with the Roman High Latitude Imaging Survey -- Daniel Masters
IPAC members of Roman Wide Field Science (WFS) teams:
- ROSALIA: Roman Sky Analyst for Low surface brightness Imaging & Astronomy -- Seppo Laine
- Establishing SI-traceable Standard Reference Fields and Low Redshift Type Ia Supernova Calibration for Roman Wide Field Science -- Schuyler Van Dyk, Greg Walth
- Laying the Foundation for a Comprehensive View of Transiting Exoplanets with the Galactic Bulge Survey -- David Ciardi, Jessie Christiansen
IPAC members of Core Community Survey (CCS) Definition Committees:
- Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey (GBTDS) -- Jessie Christiansen (co-chair), Jennifer Sobeck
- High Latitude Time Domain Survey (HLTDS) -- Schuyler Van Dyk
IPAC members of the Roman Science Interest Group (RSIG): Lee Armus (observer), Jessie Christiansen.