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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is designed to be capable of a set of notional observing programs that form Roman’s design reference mission, and whose execution would fulfill the mission’s top level science objectives.

There are two flavors of observing programs on Roman. These include three Core Community Surveys and a significant program of General Astrophysics Surveys, undertaken with the Wide Field Instrument (WFI). Additionally, a set of technology demonstration observations will be undertaken with the Coronagraph Instrument.

All Roman observations will be publicly available with no period of exclusive access.

General Astrophysics Surveys

There will be opportunities for the general astronomy community to competitvely propose for Roman survey observations. Details are available at General Astrophysics Surveys.

Core Community Surveys

The Core Community Surveys are the High Latitude Wide Area Survey; the High Latitude Time Domain Survey; and the Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey. Links below describe the concepts for these surveys used in the Design Reference Mission.

The actual implementation of Roman’s core surveys will be defined through an open, community-driven process. General Astrophysics Survey observing programs, as well as funding to work with Roman data, will be competed and selected through future peer reviews.

All Roman observations will be publicly available with no period of exclusive access.

Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey

High Latitude Wide Area Survey

High Latitude Time Domain Survey

Technology Demonstration

The cornograph instrument on Roman will be a technology demonstation as a pathway to Habitable Worlds Observatory to enable observations of Earth-like planets around other studies. Currently it is expected to be ssensitive to a contract of 10^-8 around a V=5 magnitude stars. For more information, see: Exoplanet Coronagraphy

Summary of Notional Observing Programs for the Prime Mission

Notional Survey Target region Primary spectral elements On-sky time in notional survey plan
Coronagraph Instrument Tech Demo Observations Selected nearby stars Coronagraph Instrument ~ 3 months
Galactic Bulge Time Domain
(Core Community Survey)
2 deg2 in a low-extinction area near Galactic center W149 filter (occasional use of other filters) ~ 13 months
High Latitude Wide Area Survey
(Core Community Survey)
Extragalactic sky, ~ 2000 deg2 Y106, J129, H158, F184, and Grism ~ 24 months
High Latitude Time Domain
(Core Community Survey)
5-20 deg2 in the continuous field of regard TBD filters + Prism ~ 6 months
General Astrophysics Surveys Full sky is available All WFI elements ~ 15 months