The Science Support Center (SSC) at Caltech/IPAC is responsible for science data processing and community outreach for exoplanet microlensing, for all spectroscopic data, and general community outreach for Roman science. The SSC is also responsible for issuing the calls for Roman science investigation proposals, proposal ingest, the time allocation committee process, and grants management. Finally, the SSC is responsible for Coronagraph Instrument (CGI) observation planning, production of Level-1 CGI data products, the delivery of all CGI data products to the Roman archive, and CGI calibration and CGI outreach.
For the spectroscopic data, the SSC is responsible for the Roman Grism-Prism Data Processing System (GDPS), which is an integral part of the Roman Ground System. The SSC will use Roman images and spectra to identify, extract, calibrate and fit the grism and prism spectra, producing a wide variety of spectroscopic and derived science data products and returning these to the Roman archive. The data processing and the data products are designed to meet the relevant Roman science and mission requirements.
The SSC is responsible for the Microlensing Science Operations System (MSOS), which will process data from the Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey, including the production of photometry and light curves, the identification and characterization of microlensing events, measuring the detection efficiency of the microlensing pipeline, production of relevant data products, including the time series light curves for all objects in the field, and user support and community outreach.
For the CGI, in addition to exoplanet community support, the SSC is responsible for CGI operations, including commanding and operations, developing tools to create observations, High Order Wave Front Sensing and Control/Ground In The Loop (HOWFSC/GITL) operations (including commanding and uplink), and assessment and trending of the health, safety, and instrument performance. The SSC is also responsible for CGI data management, including developing and operating the Data Analysis Environment (DAE) for Coronagraph Technology Center (CTC, at JPL) and community participants; processing Level 0 and Level 1 data and delivering these products to the Science Operations Center (SOC) for archiving; validating and delivering Level 2 through 4 calibrated, higher-level products produced by the CTC and Community Participation Program (CPP) to the SOC for archiving; and, HOWFSC/GITL data processing (including CTC algorithms).
For more information, see the SSC documentation supporting the NASA ROSES-2022 Call for Proposals:
- SSC Support for Roman ROSES-2024
- Roman Wide Field Spectroscopy Pipeline Processing and Data Products - Supplementary material for ROSES-2024
- Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey and Exoplanet Microlensing Investigation Pipeline Processing and Data Products - Supplementary material for ROSES-2024
- Coronagraph Instrument Information