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A Joint Roman-Rubin Simulated Imaging Survey
January 20th, 2022

Speaker: Michael Troxel

Affiliation: Duke University


Survey cosmology will be transformed with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and Vera C. Rubin Observatory later this decade. Individually, they will enable leaps in systematic control and statistical power for survey cosmology, while simultaneously enabling a wide range of astrophysical science over unprecedented areas of the sky. There is substantial additional power to mitigate the biggest challenges of both missions by combining their data at the pixel level, however. This was most recently highlighted in the report on Initial Recommendations for Rubin—Euclid Derived Data Products (arXiv:2201.03862), which highlighted the imminent need for image-level simulations of space- and ground-based data sets to quantify these joint processing needs. We have worked with the Roman HLS Cosmology SIT and Rubin LSST DESC to produced matched simulated image surveys of the same sky over an area of 20 sq deg of the Roman HLIS and Rubin WFD. I will focus on the Roman half of this matched simulation, which is updated from arXiv:1912.09481 to include a new Reference survey pointing strategy for the HLIS, better treatment of the PSF, and for the first time fully chromatic effects, as well as including a full set of models to simulate physical non-idealities in the 18 SCAs that are fit to the most recent lab measurements on candidate detectors. The simulated Roman data is processed through basic coadding and detection algorithms, and is intended to integrate with standard STSci tools and be applicable beyond cosmology. It will be publicly available early this year.