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Science with a Wide-field Infrared Telescope in Space & The 16th International Conference on Gravitational Microlensing
February 13th, 2012

Location: Pasadena, CA



WFIR 2012 Conference Poster
Click to download full res poster (4.1 MB)

View the conference presentations.

Please join us for this two-part conference that capitalizes on the synergy between the top ranked space-based recommendation of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey report and the burgeoning field of microlensing. The conference will begin with three days (Feb. 13-15) focusing on the scientific potential of observations with a wide-field infrared survey telescope in space to probe the nature of dark energy, conduct searches for exoplanets using gravitational microlensing, and as a facility for wide-area surveys. Starting with a joint session on Wednesday afternoon, the second half of the week (Feb. 15-17) will be the 16th in a series of conferences to discuss the latest results from microlensing searches and the perspectives opened by new methodologies and observational and computational facilities.


Speakers for Science with a Wide Field Telescope in Space

  • Dave Bennett (University of Notre Dame)
  • Mike Brown (California Institute of Technology)
  • Joshua Frieman (University of Chicago)
  • Scott Gaudi (Ohio State University)
  • James Green (University of Colorado)
  • Neil Gehrels (Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • Jeffrey Kruk (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Saul Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Adam Riess (Johns Hopkins University/Space Telescope Science Institute)
  • Paul Schechter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Brian Schmidt (Australian National University)
  • Daniel Stern (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
  • Michael Turner (University of Chicago)
  • David Weinberg (Ohio State University)

Speakers for The 16th International Conference on Gravitational Microlensing

  • Andrew Howard (UC Berkeley)
  • Jon Jenkins (NASA Ames)
  • Bruce McIntosh (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)