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Virtual Lecture Series

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope monthly virtual lecture series is run jointly by JPL, IPAC, Goddard, and STScI. These talks are open to the entire astronomy community and cover science, engineering, and technology related to the Roman mission. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Talks are ~20 minutes with ~10 minutes for Q/A, and are scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of each month from 1-1:30 pm Pacific / 4-4:30 pm Eastern.

Please contact Rob Zellem at JPL (robert.t.zellem@nasa.gov) and/or Marie Ygouf (marie.ygouf@jpl.nasa.gov) if you are interested in giving a talk on work related to the Roman Space Telescope.

To receive monthly lecture announcements and webinar connection information, please subscribe to this mailing list.

Oct 21, 2021
Speaker: Samson Johnson

Aug 19, 2021
Speaker: D'Arcy Kenworthy (JHU), David Jones (UCSC)

Jun 17, 2021
Speaker: Ewan Douglas (U. Arizona - Steward), Bertrand Mennesson (JPL)

Aug 20, 2020
Speaker: Scott Gaudi

Jul 16, 2020
Speaker: Julien Girard

May 21, 2020
Speaker: Sebastiano Calchi Novati

Feb 20, 2020
Speaker: Vanessa Bailey

Displaying entries 26 - 46 of 46 in total