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Param DB 2

Spacecraft and Instrument Parameters (previous releases)

*Note: In order to maintain backward compatibility, there are some empty slots below as expected.

The following parameters refer to the telescope design as specified in Design Cycle 7 or the 2015 WFIRST-AFTA Science Definition Team and WFIRST Study Office Report.  Additional Cycle 7 reference files are also available. These include the slew times, detector properties,  transmissions per filter, and more.

These spacecraft/instrument parameters, which are to be used in simulations and in designing science projects, are tied to a regular project design schedule. (See the pull-down menu below for the previous versions.) To ensure consistency within the community, these parameters are released here only after approval by the Roman Space Telescope Project Scientist.

Parameter Categories

Parameters as CSV Table


Parameter Tables

(Mouse over table cells to see full contents. Click column headers to sort.) 


Mission and Spacecraft Parameters



Telescope Parameters



WFI Imager Parameters



WFI Filter Parameters



WFI Grism Parameters



WFI Prism Parameters



WFI Sensitivity Parameters



WFI IFU Parameters



Fully Commissioned Coronagraph Instrument Observing Modes



Coronagraph Instrument Coronagraph Parameters



Coronagraph Bandpass Parameters



Engineering Only Coronagraph Bandpass Parameters



Coronagraph Detector Parameters



Coronagraph Imaging Parameters



Coronagraph Instrument Spectroscopy Parameters



Coronagraph Instrument Polarimetry Parameters



Coronagraph IFS Parameters



Coronagraph Estimated Performance Parameters



HLC Imaging Coronagraph Bandpass Parameters



SPC Imaging Coronagraph Bandpass Parameters



SPC IFS Spectroscopy Coronagraph Bandpass Parameters